
Unlock Your True Coaching Potential with Be Better Life and the BeBetter System

Discover Your Unique Coaching Style & Strengths to Empower and Connect with Today's Athletes

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Overview of Human Design: A Path to Better Coaching

As a coach, you’re passionate about unlocking the potential in every athlete you work with. You know the thrill of watching a player break through barriers, achieve their personal best, and thrive under your guidance. But over your coaching career, something has changed. The athletes you’re working with today are different. They’re anxious, entitled, and often come with a hovering parent or two who seem more involved in the game than the players themselves.

It’s frustrating, isn’t it?

You see the greatness within these athletes, but connecting with them feels like a constant uphill battle. You’re spending more time managing emotions than improving performance. You’re navigating entitlement when all you want is a team that’s willing to put in the hard work. And the parents—always in the background, questioning your decisions, making it harder to build the trust and autonomy your athletes need to succeed.

It’s draining.

You’re not just coaching a sport anymore; you’re managing a complex web of expectations, emotions, and relationships. The joy you once found in coaching is starting to fade, replaced by the pressure to somehow meet the needs of everyone involved without losing sight of why you became a coach in the first place. This is similar to how employers must cater to the diverse needs of their employees to maintain productivity and morale.

You’re not alone in this. The modern athlete is dealing with unprecedented levels of anxiety, often coming from a culture that fosters entitlement rather than resilience. And the parents, with all their good intentions, can inadvertently add to the pressure, making your job even harder.

You’re trying to do it all—motivate the unmotivated, calm the anxious, and keep the peace with parents—but it feels like a losing battle. The methods that worked with athletes in the past aren’t as effective anymore, and it’s left you questioning your approach, your effectiveness, and sometimes even your love for coaching.

But here’s the thing: it doesn’t have to be this way. The challenges you’re facing are real, but they’re not insurmountable. By understanding your unique coaching style and learning how to connect with today’s athletes on a deeper level, you can break through these frustrations. You can reignite that spark in your coaching, harness the potential in every player, and build a team that not only wins but thrives—on and off the field.

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Simply provide your name, date, time, and location of birth, as well as your email address to discover your unique human design blueprint!

Understanding the Frustration of Today's Coaches

As a coach, you’re passionate about unlocking the potential in every athlete you work with. You know the thrill of watching a player break through barriers, achieve their personal best, and thrive under your guidance. But over your coaching career, something has changed. The athletes you’re working with today are different. They’re anxious, entitled, and often come with a hovering parent or two who seem more involved in the game than the players themselves. 

It’s frustrating, isn’t it? 

You see the greatness within these athletes, but connecting with them feels like a constant uphill battle. You’re spending more time managing emotions than improving performance. You’re navigating entitlement when all you want is a team that’s willing to put in the hard work. And the parents—always in the background, questioning your decisions, making it harder to build the trust and autonomy your athletes need to succeed.

It’s draining. 

You’re not just coaching a sport anymore; you’re managing a complex web of expectations, emotions, and relationships. The joy you once found in coaching is starting to fade, replaced by the pressure to somehow meet the needs of everyone involved without losing sight of why you became a coach in the first place.

You’re not alone in this. The modern athlete is dealing with unprecedented levels of anxiety, often coming from a culture that fosters entitlement rather than resilience. And the parents, with all their good intentions, can inadvertently add to the pressure, making your job even harder.

You’re trying to do it all—motivate the unmotivated, calm the anxious, and keep the peace with parents—but it feels like a losing battle. The methods that worked with athletes in the past aren’t as effective anymore, and it’s left you questioning your approach, your effectiveness, and sometimes even your love for coaching.

But here’s the thing: it doesn’t have to be this way. The challenges you’re facing are real, but they’re not insurmountable. By understanding your unique coaching style and learning how to connect with today’s athletes on a deeper level, you can break through these frustrations. You can reignite that spark in your coaching, harness the potential in every player, and build a team that not only wins but thrives—on and off the field.

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Our Approach to Wellness Programs

Cultivating Connection, Authenticity, and Achievement through a Deeper Understanding of Ourselves as a Focal Point

I Believe that Self-Awareness is the Greatest Gift we can give to the Next Generation

- Wendy Jones, Human Design Strategist & Podcast Host, What I Meant to Say

Why Human Design Can Make You A Better Coach

Understand Your Coaching Style

Human Design helps you uncover your unique coaching style. Whether you're naturally more authoritative, collaborative, or motivational, understanding your strengths allows you to coach authentically. When you coach in alignment with who you truly are, your effectiveness soars, and your athletes respond more positively.

Tailor Your Approach to Each Athlete

Every athlete is different. Human Design provides insights into how individuals process information, handle stress, and respond to challenges. By understanding the specific designs of your athletes, you can tailor your coaching methods to meet their needs, helping them overcome anxiety, entitlement, or the pressures of overbearing parents.

Build Stronger Connections

Today's athletes crave connection and understanding. Human Design gives you the tools to communicate more effectively, building trust and rapport with your athletes. When they feel seen and understood, they are more likely to open up, commit to the process, and push through their limitations.

Navigate Parental Involvement

Helicopter parents can add a layer of complexity to coaching. Human Design helps you develop strategies to manage these dynamics, allowing you to maintain your authority while keeping parents engaged in a positive way. You'll learn how to set boundaries and communicate clearly, reducing stress for both you and your athletes.

Maximize Athlete Potential

At its core, Human Design is about helping people live and perform in alignment with who they are meant to be. When you apply this to coaching, you're not just developing better athletes; you're helping them realize their full potential, both on and off the court or field. Athletes who understand themselves better are more resilient, focused, and motivated, leading to greater success in their sport and their lives.

Addressing the Pain Points of Today's Generation

For the Anxious Athlete:

You’ll learn how to create a safe, supportive environment where anxiety is acknowledged and managed, rather than ignored or exacerbated and resilience is gained. Incorporating healthy eating habits can also play a crucial role in promoting overall wellbeing and managing anxiety effectively.

For the Entitled Athlete:

You’ll discover how to foster a sense of responsibility and teamwork, guiding entitled athletes toward a mindset of growth and contribution that will truly elevate their game.

For the Helicopter-Parented Athlete:

You’ll gain the skills to balance parental involvement, ensuring it supports rather than hinders the athlete’s development and autonomy.

Human Design is not just a tool for personal growth—it’s a powerful framework for coaching in today’s complex, ever-evolving sports environment. By understanding and applying its principles, you can become the coach your athletes need, overcoming modern challenges and helping them achieve greatness. 

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"Human Design has been a game-changer in my journey as a coach. It’s given me a deeper understanding of myself, helping me recognize my natural strengths and areas where I can grow. By aligning with my unique energy blueprint, I’ve become more intuitive and authentic in my coaching approach. I now connect with my clients on a much deeper level, guiding them in a way that feels more personalized and effective. Human Design has not only made me a better coach but also a more empathetic and empowered individual. It’s transformed how I work with others, allowing me to support their growth in a truly impactful way." ~Ashley Clark, Human Design Coaching Strategist

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